A very big problem in behavior is certainly the difficulties that we can experience when we want to give medication or groom your dog. Here is my advice to give you a little help!

Collaborative manipulations

In the case of manipulations, you have to know that it is rarely a question of obedience, but rather the use of the bond that you have with your canine companion. Trust, participation in manipulations and the mutual respect is literally the key of success.

Myths that could be very harmful

  1. Do not worry, he will get use to it

A dog will get accustomed only if the situation is neither positive nor negative. If your companion is already not receptive to manipulation, time will probably change nothing.

  1. Do not give up, because otherwise he will win

On the contrary, when your dog tells you that he reached his limit you must listen to him to avoid even more intense and dangerous reactions for all.

  1. Your dog is difficult because you have not manipulated him enough.

On the contrary, people often tell me they can, without difficulty at home, touch the eyes, ears, mouth, legs, etc. The problem is the association that was created with a tool like hair brush or a place that is perceived negatively like the vet clinic.

Exercises and tools

The desensitization

Desensitization is a method of taking many elements and work on them one after the other. You could start by taking out your dog’s nail clippers, giving him delicious treats and putting the nail clipper back into the drawer and repeating several days in a row. You should remember that you should never exceed the tolerance of your dog and add the steps very gradually.

“Touch” “chin”

Instead of keeping your dog from leaving, why not teach him fun stuff like coming and putting his muzzle in your hands. You can also teach him to lay his head on a chair or on the corner of the sofa to help him to choose to stay.

Show him the inside of your hands and as soon as he puts his nose say “touch” and reward him immediately with treats. Repeat gradually by moving your hands (from left to right and up and down) and as soon as your dog understands the game, you can simply say “touch” by showing your hands and he will gladly lay down his muzzle. Then encourage your dog to maintain this position, increasing the length of time.

“Chin” The steps are exactly the same as the “touch” request. Find a chair or a folding bench at home and point your finger to the surface. At first, you will give a reward and this even if your dog does not completely lay down his chin on the surface. With training sessions of 2-3 minutes a few times a day, you will see that your dog will become faster and more confident and he will completely lay down on the chair. Then you can ask him “chin” on any surface without any problem.

The basket muzzle

The basket muzzle is a safe tool that does not prevent the dog from anything except biting. If a groomer or a veterinarian has to put a muzzle to your pet or recommends that you do it at home, ask for his help to incorporate the tool, which may be essential to prevent biting if your dog is really that uncomfortable.

Finally, remember that animal health technicians and trained professionals in behavioral grooming can perfectly assist you and even work and do manipulations that make you uncomfortable. Just choose your partner well.

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